How To Take Care Of Your Boxing Gloves

Date Posted:10 February 2023 

Cleaning your boxing gloves is not only crucial for their longevity but also for making you a preferred sparring partner in the gym. No one wants to spar with boxing gloves that are soaked in sweat and smell like an onion! To avoid such a situation, here's how you can keep your boxing gloves fresh and long-lasting:

1. Clean Regularly

After every training session, wipe down your gloves with baby wipes or alcohol wipes. This will help clean the surface before bacteria sets in.

2. Keep Dry

Moisture can also cause bad odours. Hang up your gloves to dry after training, and if possible, put them in the sun or under a fan. Avoid putting them in a plastic bag or sealing away the air flow as this will only add to existing bacteria and moisture.

3. Use Glove Deoderisers

Essential oils may mask odours, but using odour absorbers like baking soda, charcoal packs, or cedar chips is more effective. Put these in a pair of long socks, tie the ends and place one sock in each glove when not in use. Remember to change the contents of the socks every month.

4. Place Your Gloves In a Well-Lit Area

To prevent bacteria growth, keep your gloves out of your gym bag and in a well-lit area. You can lay them in the sun for a reasonable amount of time to kill bacteria that cause bad odours.

By following these simple tips, you can keep your boxing gloves fresh and odour-free, and be a more favourable sparring partner.

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